AP 101 |
3 |
This course is designed to give the student a system of principles to defend his faith, as well as present evidences that support the authenticity of the Christian faith. Prerequisite: None
AP 301 |
2 |
The purpose of this course is to give the student a greater appreciation of both the Bible and science. Furthermore, this course will demonstrate that there is no need for compromise in order to make the Bible fit modern 鈥渟cientific鈥 discoveries. The student will be taught that true science will always validate God鈥檚 word. Prerequisite: EN 102
AP 402 |
2 |
This course looks at six historical approaches to ethical conflicts. Students will be required to know these approaches as they represent how people think in culture today. Students will evaluate each of these in light of scripture to determine a biblical approach to the ethical issues in life and ministry. Prerequisite: EN 102; 32 credits earned
BC 101 |
2 |
This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of basic biblical counseling, emphasizing scriptural prescriptions for man鈥檚 physical, mental, and spiritual needs. Prerequisite: None
BI 101 |
3 |
This class will give each student an overview of the Old Testament. We will walk through each book, learn its significance, key words, key verses, key truths, and understand its broad outline and application for New Testament believers. Special emphasis is placed upon authorship, date, and purpose. Passages of particular doctrinal significance will be examined and discussed. As this is a survey, it is merely introductory in nature. Prerequisite: None
BI 102 |
3 |
This class will give each student an overview of the New Testament. Special emphasis is placed upon authorship, date, and purpose of each book. The student will develop a broad outline for each book. This course will also examine the background and content of each book. Briefly mentioned will be the intertestamental period in order to place the ministry of Jesus Christ into a historical context. Prerequisite: None
BI 110 |
3 |
This course is a survey of the ten major doctrines of systematic theology. This course can be replaced with BI 361, BI 362, BI 363, or BI 364. Prerequisite: None
BI 231 |
2 |
Dispensationalism is a theological system borne out of the literal, historical-grammatical interpretation. At its core, Dispensationalism understands that there is a distinction between Israel and the Church and understands the purpose of God in this earth to be doxological. This class will investigate the theological framework of this system, explaining its origins, and its developments. Additionally, it will present a case for declaring this system the most consistent hermeneutical tool in studying the Scriptures. Prerequisite: None
BI 241 |
2 |
The biblical books of Ruth and Esther provide wonderful examples of God鈥檚 sovereignty and offer encouragement for Christians to trust His goodness and provision. This course is designed to give a better understanding of who God is, as we study His presence and work in the stories of both Ruth and Esther. As we also learn from the individual characters in these books, we will discover their rare courage, commitment, and risk-taking love for God and His people. Ladies Only. Prerequisite: None
BI 291 |
2 |
This course will help the student develop sound Bible study methods. It will operate on the premise that the interpretation of Scripture is best understood by other Scripture. The student will learn a method to follow in the process of Bible study. The student will also be involved with hands-on projects applying each step in the process of Bible study. Prerequisite: None
BI 361 |
3 |
This course is an in-depth study of Bibliology and Theology. Prerequisite: EN 102
BI 362 |
3 |
This course is an in-depth study of Christology and Pneumatology. Prerequisite: EN 102
BI 363 |
3 |
This course is an in-depth study of Hamartiology, Anthropology, and Soteriology. Prerequisite: EN 102
BI 364 |
3 |
This course is an in-depth study of Ecclesiology, Angelology, and Eschatology. Prerequisite: EN 102
BI 371 |
3 |
This course is an in-depth study of Bibliology, Theology Proper and Pneumatology. Prerequisite: EN 102
BI 372 |
3 |
This course is an in-depth study of Anthropology, Hamartiology, Christology, and Soteriology. Prerequisite: EN 102
BI 373 |
3 |
This course is an in-depth study of Angelology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology. Prerequisite: EN 102
ED 226 |
2 |
What makes Christian education different from secular education? What is the foundation of Christian teaching and methodology? How does Christian education fit with the home and church? These and many other areas of philosophy will be studied in this course. Prerequisite: None
ED 323 |
2 |
Designed as an introductory course to develop a sensitive understanding of exceptional learners and unique approaches to ensure student achievement, emphasis will be placed on instructional strategies, curriculum adaptation, and multi-tiered systems of support. The course scope includes history and legislation, intellectual and developmental disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, speech and language disorders, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders, autism, physical disabilities and other health impairments, and gifted and talented. Differentiated assessments and IEPs will also be addressed. Prerequisite: EN 102
ED 338 |
3 |
This course is designed for future teachers to cultivate skills necessary to create an environment which fosters spiritual development and academic learning. Students will examine philosophical foundations, research contemporary best practices, and learn how to implement practical procedures for effective management of a secondary classroom. Prerequisite: EN 102; 64 credits earned
ED 403 |
2 |
This course presents instruction and methodology for both technology used by the teacher to enhance the presentation and organization of teaching materials as well as technology used by the student to aid in the learning process. Students will learn how to create and present instructional visuals effectively and how to implement technology to assist student collaboration and evaluation. A hands-on component will provide the students with practical teaching experience using technology. Prerequisite: EN 102
ED 411 |
9 |
During the final semester of the senior year, the student will be required to participate in a student teaching internship at Lancaster Baptist School. This course includes observation, participation, and teaching in the classroom under the direction and supervision of the regular classroom teacher and faculty supervisor. A fee of $45 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: ED 337 or ED 338, 96 credits earned, and 50 hours of classroom observation
ED 412 |
9 |
This course is taken during the senior year as an alternative to ED 411 and allows the student to participate in student teaching at an approved Christian school. The course includes observation, participation, and teaching in the classroom under the direction and supervision of the regular classroom teacher and faculty supervisor. An External Student Teaching Application must be submitted and approved by the WCBC administration prior to the student teaching experience. Prerequisite: ED 337 or ED 338, 96 credits earned, and 50 hours of classroom observation
ED 430 |
3 |
This is a senior-level course designed for elementary and secondary education concentrations. Teacher preparation in and out of the classroom is a major component of this course, both philosophically and practically. Topics will include teaching skill, student interaction, classroom and lesson preparation, mentoring students, creating a desire to learn, healthy expectations of student achievement, application of material, use of visuals and modalities, and training students for the future. The instruction will come from selected professors having at least twenty-five years of experience each. Prerequisite: 96 credits earned; Corequisite: ED 441, ED 450, and ED 451
ED 441 |
2 |
This block course is designed for seniors with a concentration in education. Emphasis will be placed on the systematic process of evaluation in the classroom. Through this course, the student will gain the knowledge and tools required for creating, administering, and utilizing learning assessments. The student will also ascertain how to apply the knowledge gained through assessment to future instruction, intervention, and parent communication. Prerequisite: 96 credits earned; Corequisite: ED 430, ED 450, and ED 451
ED 450 |
1 |
This class is a 鈥渂lock鈥 class designed for education concentrations in their senior year. This class provides an opportunity for teachers to focus on inculcating God鈥檚 word into every subject. Students are reminded that 鈥淏ible鈥 is not to be a separate class in the curriculum of a Christian school, but that it should be included in every class. This course places an emphasis on teachers learning how to put God and the Bible at the center of their individual lives. As a result, God and the Bible can properly fill every area of the teacher鈥檚 life and instruction. Prerequisite: 96 credits earned; Corequisite: ED 430, ED 441, and ED 451
ED 451 |
1 |
This is a senior-level course designed for elementary and secondary education concentrations. This course meets for half a semester. Primary areas of emphasis are: 1) examining and testing modalities of students; 2) examining the various methods of teaching that may be utilized in the classroom; 3) studying the areas of the brain and how they relate to modes of learning and memory; and 4) developing lessons to make learning 鈥渟tick,鈥 meaning the knowledge and skills taught are more readily remembered by the student. Assignments include reading the course text, comparing certain pages to Scripture, researching learning modalities, and writing detailed lesson plans that exhibit a 鈥渟ticky鈥 learning paradigm. Prerequisite: 96 credits earned; Corequisite: ED 430, ED 441, and ED 450
EN 101 |
3 |
This course teaches English grammar and foundational writing concepts on a college level. Because clear writing is developed through good English basics, this class aids the student in development of clear writing and grammar skills that will be further developed in EN 102. Prerequisite: EN 100 or test scoring requirement met
EN 102 |
3 |
This course is designed to teach the creative art of composition, along with the study and review of word usage and the action of the parts of speech in the written composition. Communicating in a clear, effective, and appropriate manner and writing a collegiate research paper are the objectives of this class. Prerequisite: EN 101
EN 201 |
3 |
This course builds on the previous grammar and composition foundation students received in EN 101 and EN 102. Students will review essentials of grammar and analyze their use in the sentence. They will also analyze basic elements of paragraph construction and clear writing skills and implement these components in writing exercises. An overview of the development of the English language will also be given. Prerequisite: EN 101 and EN 102
HI 283 |
3 |
This course examines the development of the United States from the colonial period through the Civil War. It gives special emphasis to Christianity鈥檚 influence on the development of the United States. It will also look at how Christian men and women have made a significant impact on the development of our nation. Prerequisite: None
HI 284 |
3 |
This course is a continuation of HI 283, and it examines the development of the United States from the aftermath of the Civil War to modern America. It gives special emphasis to Christianity鈥檚 influence on the development of the United States. It will also look at how Christian men and women have made a significant impact on the development of our nation. Prerequisite: None
MA 100 |
3 |
MA 100 is an introduction to the basics of mathematics. This course is intended to prepare students for beginning algebra and college level courses and programs. Students will be introduced to the language of algebra and learn how to evaluate algebraic expressions and solve first degree equations. Prerequisite: None
MA 402 |
2 |
This is the eighth course in the WCBC mathematics series for secondary education students having a primary mathematics concentration. Students will demonstrate an aptitude for teaching in lesson presentations and lesson plan creations from three different courses in secondary mathematics. Assignments include problem sets from algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. With the emphasis on education skills, there is a focus toward child age and development of abstract thought. Additionally, latter lectures center on US mathematics class methodology contrasted with other countries. Prerequisite: EN 102; 64 credits earned
OR 101 |
2 |
This course is a class required for all freshmen as they enter school. It teaches students skills regarding study habits, character, library and reading skills, personal devotions, Bible memorization, and prayer. It is designed to help the student adjust from high school to college life here at West Coast. Prerequisite: None
PT 100 |
1 |
This course is taught by Dr. Chappell to equip young men for the work of local church ministry. Students will gain both biblical and practical insights in areas such as Baptist church planting, discipleship, contemporary theology, servant leadership, staff training, and the administration of local church work. Prerequisite: None
PT 111 |
2 |
This course is designed to help the individual student be an effective witness for the Lord. Instruction will be given on how to reach the lost with the gospel. Students will be required to memorize key verses for bringing sinners to Christ and giving them biblical assurance of salvation. Every student must participate in the TEAM soulwinning program of Lancaster Baptist Church. Prerequisite: None
PT 311 |
2 |
This course provides the student with the biblical ingredients to a godly marriage and family. It will attempt to provide the student with the discernment needed to be able to provide a biblical balance in his family life and ministry. Prerequisite: None
SC 102 |
3 |
This course is a continuation of SC 101. This course will focus on the macroscopic study of people, plants, animals, and other organisms, including evidence for biblical creation. A fee of $60 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: SC 101 with a grade of a 鈥淐-鈥 or higher
SC 201 |
2 |
This challenging course will give the student a basic understanding of the workings of the human body with emphasis on its organ systems. This course will encourage the student to appreciate God鈥檚 awesome power and genius in designing the human body. A fee of $20 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: None
SC 301 |
3 |
Chemistry 1 is the fifth course of the WCBC eleven-course science concentration. In this course, the key concepts are: solutions & mixtures, reactions and their mass relationships, acid-base reactions & pH, gaseous states, heat movement, quantum theory, periodicity, bonding methods, and, finally, valence & hybridization of electrons and their bonds. A fee of $20 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: None; Corequisite: SC 315
SC 302 |
3 |
Chemistry 2 is the seventh course of the WCBC eleven-course science concentration. In this course, the key concepts are: quantum number meaning, atomic and ionic radius impact, electron configuration, Lewis dot structure, oxidation numbers, colligative properties, crystalline arrangement, rate factors, acid-base neutralization, nuclear chemistry, and an introduction to organic chemistry. A fee of $20 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: SC 301; Corequisite: SC 316
SC 315 |
1 |
Topics of study are the MORE lab analysis method, water solution conductivity, precipitation reactions, solubility, acid/base reactions, and dry ice impact on acidity. Each week鈥檚 lab requires a report analyzing the observations made during the lab time. A fee of $40 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: None; Corequisite: SC 301
SC 316 |
1 |
Chemistry Lab 2 spans many topics of Chemistry 2, providing students hands-on understanding of redox reactions, colligative properties, rate factors, equilibrium, acid-base neutralization, crystal formation, and titration. Each lab requires a summary and analysis report. A fee of $40 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: SC 315; Corequisite: SC 302
SC 401 |
3 |
Physics 1 is designed to establish a foundation in physics and scientific thinking as the wonderful orderliness of Creation is explored. This course will give the student a basic understanding of the laws of physics and the knowledge required to teach them to others. All instruction will be given with the understanding that God is in control of the universe, and the laws of physics are a result of His perfect design. Prerequisite: MA 210
SC 402 |
3 |
This course requires SC 401 and is an advanced continuation of the same. As such, it is designed to help you expand your foundation in physics and in scientific thinking as you gain an appreciation for the God-ordained orderliness of the physical laws of Creation. Students will be challenged to relate the knowledge gained in SC 401 to other physical domains. Prerequisite: MA 210 and SC 401
SC 420 |
2 |
This course will give the student an opportunity to prepare and teach secondary science material for the Christian School. Prerequisite: EN 102; 64 credits earned
SPCH 101 |
2 |
This course is designed as an introduction to speech communication. It will give the student the skills needed to properly prepare and deliver an effective speech. Prerequisite: None
SPCH 102 |
2 |
This advanced speech course is designed to take the student beyond the fundamentals of speech as taught in SPCH 101. Special emphasis will be placed on giving the student an understanding of how to use his voice and body movements to communicate truth. Whether preaching a sermon, teaching a lesson, sharing the gospel, or telling a story, Interpretive Speech is designed to make your message come alive. Prerequisite: SPCH 101
SPCH 211 |
2 |
This course is designed to help the beginning actor acquire the necessary tools to effectively communicate through a dramatic production. Concentration will be placed on developing a proper characterization of a role through inner and outer motivation. The course will not only help the student learn to act individually, but also develop group skills as required in a dramatic play. Prerequisite: SPCH 101
SPCH 302 |
2 |
This course will instruct the student in the direction of plays, programs, and dramatic readings that can be used in ministry. The basis and purpose of drama in ministry, the director, stage composition, stage movement, interpretation, casting, rehearsals, and performance will be studied. Prerequisite: EN 102 and SPCH 101
SPCH 310 |
2 |
This course is aimed at equipping the student with the skills needed to stand in defense of the faith. Taking a stand for Christ in these last days is difficult and it is important that Christians not only hold the right position, but also the right disposition. Prerequisite: EN 102 and SPCH 101
SPCH 360 |
2 |
Students will study the art of storytelling, writing original stories, and presenting these stories orally. The emphasis of this course will allow students to learn to use storytelling in the classroom (or other arenas of ministry) for preparation of curriculum, principles of writing compositions, and oral class presentations. Prerequisite: EN 102 and SPCH 101
SPCH 401 |
3 |
The final two semesters in the speech proficiency are dedicated to helping the student through a series of private lessons to write, prepare, and present a Speech Recital. SPCH 401 (first semester) will be devoted primarily to the choosing and writing of the recital with special emphasis on the development of the characters within the story line. The first semester lessons will be group lessons with all of the speech students meeting together. SPCH 402 (second semester) will focus on the final preparation of the script, memorization, and finally the presentation of the recital. Prerequisite: SPCH 101; 80 credits earned
SPCH 402 |
3 |
The final two semesters in the speech proficiency are dedicated to helping the student through a series of private lessons to write, prepare, and present a Speech Recital. SPCH 401 (first semester) will be devoted primarily to the choosing and writing of the recital with special emphasis on the development of the characters within the story line. The first semester lessons will be group lessons with all of the speech students meeting together. SPCH 402 (second semester) will focus on the final preparation of the script, memorization, and finally the presentation of the recital. Prerequisite: SPCH 101; 80 credits earned
0 |
T his is a unique course designed to give students an opportunity to practice and perform monologues, reader鈥檚 theater, and short dramatic plays at various college events. SPCH 101 is the minimum prerequisite for this course and a desire to obtain a speech proficiency is preferred although not required. Class members are chosen after an audition with the instructor. Prerequisite: Instructor Approval